bpo-37224 python子编译器资源竞争问题

cpython MR门禁中偶现的一个失败用例问题修复过程记录

Posted by Shi Hai's Blog on August 22, 2021


这个问题是cpython项目门禁中发现的一个问题,具体的表现就是子编译器相关的两个用例(test_still_running, test_already_running用例代码详情)会高概率出现失败,尤其是并行测试数量多于300时,基本在10小时内就能再次捕捉到相关错误。问题单详情

此问题可以用./python -m test test__xxsubinterpreters -v -F -j300来执行并捕捉相关错误。 错误输出日志为:

test_already_running (test.test__xxsubinterpreters.RunStringTests) ... FAIL

FAIL: test_already_running (test.test__xxsubinterpreters.RunStringTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/shihai/cpython/Lib/test/test__xxsubinterpreters.py", line 834, in test_already_running
    with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
AssertionError: RuntimeError not raised


Ran 123 tests in 71.761s

FAILED (failures=1, skipped=6)
Warning -- Uncaught thread exception: RuntimeError
Exception in thread Thread-8 (run):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/shihai/cpython/Lib/threading.py", line 1009, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/home/shihai/cpython/Lib/threading.py", line 946, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/home/shihai/cpython/Lib/test/test__xxsubinterpreters.py", line 48, in run
    interpreters.run_string(interp, dedent(f"""
RuntimeError: unrecognized interpreter ID 60
test test__xxsubinterpreters failed


1.线程未及时获取GIL锁导致 上面的错误日志中可以看到的是interpreter ID 60未找到,当时的第一反应是thread线程没有获取到GIL,导致C层面的线程在测试用例完成测试并清理完interpreter ID 60导致的。

为什么我会提出这个可能性呢?因为./python -m test test__xxsubinterpreters -v -F -j300的300并发量是通过启用线程来实现的。基于这点的考虑我想如果能在thread过程能引入一个锁来确保thread是及时获取GIL并运行的。因此我提了PR-26598想解决这个问题。我用这个PR来运行原有的失败测试时有13小时没有复现此问题,就暗自庆幸解决了这个问题。但是这个PR一提出来就被Pablo Galindo Salgado质疑此PR的有效性。



2.python代码在ceval过程执行字节码过程中跳过因为某种资源竞争跳过了字节码的执行(用./python -m dis ./Lib/test/test__xxsubinterpreters.py来分析自编译器相关代码对应的字节码序列)。

Disassembly of <code object test_already_running at 0x7faf152bc190, file "./Lib/test/test__xxsubinterpreters.py", line 838>:
839           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (_running)
              2 LOAD_FAST                0 (self)
              4 LOAD_ATTR                1 (id)
              6 CALL_FUNCTION            1
              8 SETUP_WITH              72 (to 82)
             10 POP_TOP

840          12 LOAD_FAST                0 (self)
             14 LOAD_METHOD              2 (assertRaises)
             16 LOAD_GLOBAL              3 (RuntimeError)
             18 CALL_METHOD              1
             20 SETUP_WITH              30 (to 52)
             22 POP_TOP

841          24 LOAD_GLOBAL              4 (interpreters)
             26 LOAD_METHOD              5 (run_string)
             28 LOAD_FAST                0 (self)
             30 LOAD_ATTR                1 (id)
             32 LOAD_CONST               1 ('print("spam")')
             34 CALL_METHOD              2
             36 POP_TOP
             38 POP_BLOCK
             40 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             42 DUP_TOP
             44 DUP_TOP
             46 CALL_FUNCTION            3
             48 POP_TOP
             50 JUMP_FORWARD            16 (to 68)
        >>   52 WITH_EXCEPT_START
             54 POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE        58
             56 RERAISE
        >>   58 POP_TOP
             60 POP_TOP
             62 POP_TOP
             64 POP_EXCEPT
             66 POP_TOP
        >>   68 POP_BLOCK
             70 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             72 DUP_TOP
             74 DUP_TOP
             76 CALL_FUNCTION            3
             78 POP_TOP
             80 JUMP_FORWARD            16 (to 98)
        >>   82 WITH_EXCEPT_START
             84 POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE        88
             86 RERAISE
        >>   88 POP_TOP
             90 POP_TOP
             92 POP_TOP
             94 POP_EXCEPT
             96 POP_TOP
        >>   98 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
            100 RETURN_VALUE


3.线程/进程执行过程中没有及时分配到足够的时间片(这个是事后调试折腾出来的解决,开始压根没想到这个点!) 当推测1和推测2持续在两周内都被否定后,这个问题陷入了僵局,没有任何新的思路,也想过放弃这个问题,换一个简单的题目练练脑子,但转念一想都用简单题练脑子,技能怎么能提高呢,咬咬牙还是得继续。


通过这个patch,我获得了非常关键的日志输出,这个日志有两部分:i. 上半部分是成功的用例执行日志; ii. 下半部分是失败的用例执行日志。

The successful output of test_already_running:
test_already_running (test.test__xxsubinterpreters.RunStringTests) ... In interp_create, the current state is: 0x23ee8f0
In interp_list_all, the current state is: 0x23ee8f0 # Entering _running().
Before interp runs, the current state is: 0x2489590 # Running the interp  in thread.
In interp_list_all, the current state is: 0x23ee8f0 # Running interpreters.list() in _running().
Before interp runs, the current state is: 0x23ee8f0 # Running the interp in test_already_running().
After interp runs, the current state is: 0x25cf0e0 # Running the interp in thread.
In interp_list_all, the current state is: 0x23ee8f0 # Clearing the created interps.

The failed output of test_already_running:
test_already_running (test.test__xxsubinterpreters.RunStringTests) ... In interp_create, the current state is: 0x23e58f0
In interp_list_all, the current state is: 0x23e58f0
In interp_list_all, the current state is: 0x23e58f0 # Compared to the successful output of test_already_running, the interp doesn't run in time. 
Before interp runs, the current state is: 0x23e58f0
After interp runs, the current state is: 0x24fdfc0
In interp_list_all, the current state is: 0x23e58f0



至此,我想可能的一个原因就是用例执行过程中的线程在执行过程没有获得足够多的cpu时间片导致interpreters.run_string()未执行。然后我立马提了一个确保子编译是已经运行的判断的逻辑来确保自编译已经获得了cpu时间片,PR-27240在本地执行29小时没有出问题,也顺利被python项目经理Łukasz Langa合入了。他没给任何检视意见,一把就合入了。我到现在内心其实还是很慌的,因为这个问题我是用排除法来解决的。万一还有我没考虑到的场景呢?所以暂且假设自己的推测是成立的,以后如果继续发生我再继续更新,哈哈。
